“Water Storage in Putting Greens Constructed with United States Golf Association and AirField Systems Designs”
“Our agronomic system and drainage works in any design with a sand profile”
Thru a research project conducted at Texas A&M, it was concluded that you can reduce your irrigation needs using AirField Systems AirDrain. The five year research project was jointly funded by the United States Golf Association and AirField Systems and was a collaborative effort between Texas A&M, AirField Systems and the United States Golf Association. The data from the research showed that the AirField Systems drainage profile provided up to three more days of plant available water than a United States Golf Association recommended gravel and sand profile.
From Section 1, page 12 of the Texas A&M University study: “These measurements on uncovered test greens were taken in the fall of the year when evapotranspiration rates were about 4 mm’d-1, so it took about 3 days to use the 13 mm difference in water stored in the profiles. That is to say, it took 3 days for water stored in the test greens constructed with geotextile/AirDrain to decline to a point where they had the amount of water initially in the test greens constructed with gravel-based drainage. In hot arid regions, the additional water stored might only last a day or two in the middle of summer, while in cool humid regions, it could last the better part of a week.” (SEE BELOW)
Read the final report for the 5 year USGA Texas A&M University research project
AirField Design Features:
With AirDrain you can capture and reuse storm water and expensive irrigation. AirDrain provides 100% vertical drainage under every inch of your playing surface, allowing water to drain more uniformly while keeping your greens, tee boxes and bunkers playable.
Click on the following link to view Chesapeake Energy’s Rooftop Sports Field. This field had an incredible 6”- 8” root growth in just 5 weeks in 100+ degree weather for 57 straight days.
In addition, AirDrain by AirField Systems can significantly save on installation time because much less excavation is required compared to the traditional gravel drainage layers that have a much deeper profile. AirDrain arrives on site in 53” trailers, palletized and ready for install. Unlike gravel drainage, with AirDrain there is no need for heavy dump trucks that can compact your golf course.
Benefits of an AirField System Design include:
- up to 3 more days of plant available water stored in the root zone (depending on climate)
- Significantly reduces daily irrigation needs (as told to us by our customers)
- Healthier turf / Stronger root system (as told to us by our customers)
- 100% Vertical Drainage under the entire playing surface
- AirDrain is a 100% recycled copolymer with the impact modifier “metallocene” qualifying it as a “No Break” plastic
- Helps eliminate standing water / Simplifies maintenance (as told to us by our customers)
- Minimal site disturbance / Far less excavation and disposal
- Several Installation days are saved over a gravel installation
- Compact shipping that reduces overall storage and transportation costs
- An AirDrain System sand profile creates its own perched water table without peat moss or clay
- AirDrain’s sand profile and minimal organics puts it at very little risk for issues of mold or disease