AirDrain Sports Field Drainage System for Natural Grass and Synthetic Grass
Since 2002, AirDrain has been the leading product for green sports field building saving time, cost, and the environment, while making sports fields safer. With installations worldwide, AirDrain is the proven modern sports field, agronomic drainage system for natural turf.
And the NFL Player’s #1 Field Choice at the University of Phoenix Stadium since 2006 and running.
( Las Vegas Raiders Allegiant Stadium just came online WOW ! )
No other system comes close in ease of install, cost, player safety, and performance!
Up to a 40% reduction in irrigation for natural grass fields!
Here is the ASTM D4716 Flow Rate per Unit Width and Hydraulic Transmissivity Testing for actual drainage capacity, at a 1/2% slope. The AirDrain will actually drain 171 inches per hour.
The ASTM D4716 was done with 2 metal plates top and bottom and the grid tilted at a 1/2% slope. This is the only way to be able to claim drainage per hour. Don’t let'em kid ya! If they don’t have this test, ask them why.
The AirDrain Agronomic Sports Field Drainage Systems 100% vertical and horizontal drainage capabilities eliminate the need for a traditional base drainage system, such as herringbone trenching, flat pipe, etc. and only needing perimeter or exit drains.
No other product stacks and ships more compactly, reducing the number of trucks and the amount of fuel required to transport AirDrain to 1 truck on a 83,790 sqft. project. That goes straight to the bottom line!
AirDrain brings 100% vertical drainage across your entire sports field, using gravity to pull the water through the profile and drain the water. While leaving an almost perfect perched water table.
AirDrain™ for a natural turf sports field
AirDrain Agronomic Natural Grass Sports Field Drainage System
A 5-year research project conducted at Texas A&M, shows you can significantly reduce your irrigation needs using the AirDrain system.
The data from the research showed that AirField’s AirDrain Agronomic Natural Grass sports field Drainage System profile provided up to 3 more days of plant-available water than a United States Golf Association recommended gravel and sand profile.
The AirDrain Sports Field Drainage System has a unique ability no other system has: it can flush the profile quickly and efficiently anytime it’s needed. This practice is particularly common for salt-laden irrigation water along the East Coast, Gulf Coast, California coast, and Desert Southwest. The AirDrain system needs no special watering techniques.
Click here to see an article from the USGA on the benefits of flushing the profile.

AirDrain™ for an artificial turf sports field
AirDrain Synthetic Grass Sports Field Drainage doubles as an unbeatable drainage layer and shock pad.
Installing the AirField System results in a more stable surface area and a more consistent GMAX across the project. AirDrain’s delivers a 14.7% reduction on cement and a 19% reduction on an aggregate base in GMAX. And that reduction and consistency will stay for the life of the field with AirDrain.
The result is a more stable surface area all but eliminating infill migration and inconsistent GMAX across the entire field, (which can drastically affect the safety of the players on project putting owners in an at risk liability scenario).
Unlike traditional shock pads / e-layer the AirDrain is 1″ high and has a 92% air void. This unmatched vertical and horizontal drainage all but eliminates standing water in a sports field, even at a 1/2% slope.
No other product stacks and ships more compactly, reducing the number of trucks and the amount of fuel required to transport to a job site to 1 truck on a 84,588k sqft. project. Don’t forget shipping costs that goes to the bottom line ! AirDrain cant be beat!
There is a big difference between real world drainage on an installed sports field project and some manufacturers claims of drainage per hour, where they run water through their product being held vertically in the air and claim drainage per hour. Remember you have to drain it vertically and then horizontally to the perimeter drains, that's drainage !
AirDrain drainage can’t be beat by anyone’s product period.
AirDrain’s strength and durability allow it to be used under multiple turf replacements on the project.
In a cost value and performance comparison there is only one choice, AirDrain!

(405) 361-2887
Up to 3 more days of plant available water stored in the root zone (depending on climate)
Significantly reduces daily irrigation needs (as told to us by our customers)
Healthier turf / Stronger root system (as told to us by our customers)
100% Vertical Drainage under the entire playing surface
AirDrain is a 100% recycled copolymer with the impact modifier “metallocene” qualifying it as a “No Break” plastic
Helps eliminate standing water / Simplifies maintenance (as told to us by our customers)
Minimal site disturbance / Far less excavation and disposal
Several Installation days are saved over a gravel installation
Compact shipping that reduces overall storage and transportation costs
An AirDrain System sand profile creates its own almost perfect perched water table