AirDrain Agronomic Sand Profile at Texas A&M Sports Turf Class Natural Turf Field
SCSC 427. Sports Field Construction. (3-3). Credit 4. Development of knowledge, skills, and experiences for the design and construction of a turf grass-based sports field; case studies and visits to model fields, guest lectures from natural turf sports field owners, designers, and construction company managers; hands-on construction of a small-scale sand-based sports field. Prerequisites: SCSC 309, junior or senior classification, or approval of instructor.
Benjamin G. Wherley, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor- Turfgrass Science & Ecology
Dept. of Soil and Crop Sciences
Texas A&M University
Email: [email protected] | Tel: (979)845-1591 | Fax: (979)845-0456
370 Olsen Blvd | College Station, TX 77843-2474