Texas A&M Agriculture Class Project featuring AirField Systems AirDrain for Natural Turf ! Go Texas A&M
AirDrain For Natural Turf
It was concluded thru a research project conducted at Texas A&M University that irrigation needs can be reduced by using AirField Systems AirDrain. This five year research project was jointly funded by the United States Golf Association and AirField Systems, and was a collaborative effort between Texas A&M University, AirField Systems and the United States Golf Association. The data from the research showed that the AirField Systems drainage profile provided between 1-3 more days of plant available water than a United States Golf Association recommended gravel and sand profile.
Click here for more information about the study titled “A Comparison of Water Drainage and Storage in Putting Greens Built Using Airfield Systems and USGA Methods of Construction”.
The AirDrain System has a unique ability no other system has in that it can flush the profile quickly and efficiently anytime its needed. This practice is particularly common where salt laden irrigation water is used and in areas along the East Coast, Gulf Coast, California coast, and Desert Southwest. Click here to see an article from the USGA on the benefits of flushing the profile.
Benefits of an AirField System Design include:
· 1 to 3 more days of plant available water stored in the root zone (depending on climate)
· Significantly reduces daily irrigation needs (as told to us by our customers)
· Healthier turf / stronger root system (as told to us by our customers)
· 100% Vertical Drainage under the entire playing surface
· AirDrain is a 100% recycled copolymer which has the impact modifier “metallocene” added to it for qualification as a “No Break” plastic, making it able to withstand extreme heat and cold and still maintain performance
· Helps eliminate standing water / simplifies maintenance (as told to us by our customers)
· Minimal site disturbance / far less excavation and disposal
· Several installation days are saved over a gravel installation
· Compact shipping which reduces overall storage and transportation costs
· AirDrain System sand profiles create its own perched water table
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- Natural Grass Sports Turf Class at Texas A&M uses Airfield Systems AirDrain
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- Natural Grass Sports Turf Class at Texas A&M uses Airfield Systems AirDrain rolling out the Liner
- Airdrain Agronomic Natural Turf Drainage installing filter fabric.
- Natural Grass Sports Turf Class at Texas A&M uses Airfield Systems AirDrain
- Natural Grass Sports Turf Class at Texas A&M uses Airfield Systems AirDrain
- Natural Grass Sports Turf Class at Texas A&M uses Airfield Systems AirDrain
- Natural Grass Sports Turf Class at Texas A&M uses Airfield Systems AirDrain in a Sand Based Profile
- Natural Grass Sports Turf Class at Texas A&M uses Airfield Systems AirDrain with Sand Profile
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