Sand Trap Bunker Drainage using AirDrain Installed at Greenbriar Golf Club
What drains better than air !
1600 sqft. of AirDrain Drainage for Bunkers and Sand Traps installed in November 2017 and working perfectly !
The Greenbriar Golf Club at Whittingham is a jewel tucked into a thriving Adult Community in Monroe Township NJ.
The course is extremely picturesque as it winds its way through the community. There are several ponds, different types of vegetation, and attractive trees lining the fairways. We are constantly upgrading our sand traps, and the greens are in excellent condition.
The Head Professional and his staff have created a friendly atmosphere in which staff and members feel comfortable together.
Greenbriar Golf Club was designed by Thomas E. Clark and opened in 1996. The golf course is in remarkable good condition due in part to our continuous contact with the PGA Turf Advisory Division and the Rutgers School of Agronomy. Through their professional recommendations we implemented grasses suitable for our regions soil and follow their strict agronomy plan to promote the best golfing conditions found in our area.
In 2006, the golf course implemented a state of the art irrigation system and we continue to upgrade the sand traps to provide the ultimate golfing experience for our membership.