Whispering Woods Golf Course Installs AirDrain in Green and Bunker
Whispering Woods Golf Course Installs AirDrain Drainage in Putting Green and Bunker Sand Trap
New golf construction is faster, more efficient and LEED qualifying with AirDrain – that’s why Whispering Woods Golf Course chose AirField System’s AirDrain. They utilized AirDrain under greens and bunkers, resulting in 100% vertical drainage, rapid water movement, and no pumping out flooded sand traps.
Here is the ASTM D4716 Flow Rate per Unit Width and Hydraulic Transmissivity Testing for actual drainage capacity, at an 1/2 % slope. The AirDrain will actually drain 171 inches per hour. No other product comes close! http://bit.ly/2cQUREL
Look at this simple AirDrain construction sequence. Also here are the results of the “Comparison of Putting Greens Constructed with AirField Systems and USGA Design.”
Benefits of an AirField System Design include:
- up to 3 more days of plant available water stored in the root zone (depending on climate)
- Significantly reduces daily irrigation needs (as told to us by our customers)
- Healthier turf / Stronger root system (as told to us by our customers)
- 100% Vertical Drainage under the entire playing surface
- AirDrain is a 100% recycled copolymer with the impact modifier “metallocene” qualifying it as a “No Break” plastic
- Helps eliminate standing water / Simplifies maintenance (as told to us by our customers)
- Minimal site disturbance / Far less excavation and disposal
- Several Installation days are saved over a gravel installation
- Compact shipping that reduces overall storage and transportation costs
- An AirDrain System sand profile creates its own perched water table without peat moss or clay
- AirDrain’s sand profile and minimal organics puts it at very little risk for issues of mold or disease
Phone: 800-607-2875
Fax: 910-949-4654
Email: [email protected]
Our Street Address:
26 Sandpiper Drive
Whispering Pines, NC 28327