Airdrain™ for pet applications
Stop! Whatever you do, don’t install a K9 pet relief area without the proper drainage!!
Dog Run Drainage Performance is divided into 3 parts:
- The drainage is affected by the surface area of the sub drainage touching the backer of the turf. If the urine has to find the holes and then find the holes in the drainage underlayment under a stretched and tightened turf that’s a big problem! Any underlayment touching the turf backer will harbor urine. (AirDrain has 100% vertical drainage all holes open with an inch of air, using gravity to drain the project)
- Vertical drainage: How fast can the urine pass all the way into the underlayment to be drained horizontally to the perimeter drain ?
- Horizontal Drainage: How fast can the urine be moved to the exit drain? (AirDrain is 92% air)
Any of the underlayment that is touching the back of the turf has the ability to harbor and trap urine. AirDrain's 8% solid is unmatched don't let'em kid ya! AirDrain is the only way to go Period !
Our Opinion: You can't flush an aggregate dog run when the turf is stretched on top of the aggregate. That's called permeation not drainage. AirDrain's 1" of air allows you to flush an area without permeation. YOU NEED TO FLUSH A DOG RUN, EOS !
AirDrain for K9 Pet Relief Areas, Pet Playgrounds, Dog Runs, Airport Pet Relief Areas, Kennels, and More…..
With over 2,000+ K9 pet relief areas installed with AirDrain by AirField Systems since 2002. This is the ideal synthetic drainage system used in dog day care facilities, pet playgrounds, airport dog potties and general use common areas for dogs all across America.
AirDrain is made in the USA with the highest quality 100% post-manufactured industrial recycled content. Due to 92% air void underneath the turf, unwanted waste can be washed away quickly by using an easily installed flushing system.

Over the years, many architects and engineers have asked us just how fast will the AirDrain grid drain. Our reply has always been that the AirDrain is only limited by what is above it and the exit drains, due to the fact that the area of an AirDrain part is 1” inch high and has a 92% air void.
Recently, our AirDrain grid was tested using the ASTM D 4716 Hydraulic Transmissivity Standard Test Method. The testing was done using plates on top and bottom of the AirDrain part, setting them to the required slope and adding water from the high side of one end down the slope. AirDrain was draining so fast they had to modify their testing equipment to accommodate the volume of water AirDrain could move!
As it turns out there is practically no resistance to drainage using the AirDrain grid. The most important factor to consider is the percentage of slope that the AirDrain is sitting on.
To put this in perspective considering rainfall, AirDrain can handle anything that Mother Nature throws at it. On a nearly completely flat surface (1/2% slope) AirDrain will drain 2.85 inches of rainfall in one minute.
For example, it could rain over 171 inches in an hour and AirDrain could drain it on a 1/2% slope. AirDrain can also hold .578 gallons of water per sqft. if needed until it can evacuate to the perimeter exit drains.
No other product on the market comes close to AirDrain’s ability to drain a project. It’s not even close.
So when you see the claims of manufacturers' rainfall per hour drainage, ask them if they have the test that really shows a products real world drainage capacity. There are 2 sides to drainage vertical and horizontal, can you vertically drain it and can it then move horizontally to the exit drain.
Made with 100% post industrial recycled content AirField uses the highest quality materials for the AirDrain Geocell, with a 1-inch high 92% air void space underneath your synthetic turf.
You are able to wash away any unwanted waste left behind if needed by installing a flushing system around the perimeter of the grid.
This system is easily installed and attaches to any water source with inexpensive pvc or rubber piping.
Low cost, easy to install, DIY drainage makes AirDrain the ideal synthetic grass drainage system for kennels, dog boarding and pet facilities, dog parks, vet clinics, and even in your own backyard. Helps provide a surface area that looks and feels great to the dogs!
Pet play areas are installed every day in public and private facilities across the world. Whether you utilize natural or artificial grass, the AirField System is a stress-free way to turn any common space into a fun place for people and their beloved K9 friends.
No more worrying about expensive and destructive gravel drainage and no problems with waste being left behind.

Cost Value Performance and Ease of Install no other product comes close!

(405) 359-3775
100% post manufactured industrial recycled content made in the U.S.A.
1 inch high 92% air-void space for fast and easy waste removal, unmatched in the industry
Ability to flush the area daily, no other product comes close
AirDrain’s quick snap connectors allows for effortless installation easiest in the industry
Compact shipping reducing transportation costs no other product comes close 798 sqft on one pallet!
Over 800+ K9 grass pet relief areas installed around the world all working perfectly