AirDrain under Synthetic Turf Rooftop Sports Field at Yeshiva Ktana of Passaic Boys Club
AirDrain Drainage under Synthetic Turf Rooftop Sports Field at Yeshiva Ktana of Passaic Boys Club
Green Roof – Synthetic or Natural Turf
With limited space on campus, high schools and colleges are turning to synthetic turf rooftop sports surfaces to create multi-use green areas. Building a synthetic turf rooftop sports field with an AirField System provides drainage under 100% of the playing surface, prevents ponding, and moves water efficiently for reuse elsewhere on campus. Acts as a shockpad reducing GMAX by approximately 15% on cement for the life of the field.
Over 5,000,000 square feet of AirDrain rooftop drainage system installed and counting.
Natural Turf- Chesapeake Energy 74,000 sqft. Synthetic Turf- Escuela Campo Alegre 76,000 sqft. and WPI “Worcester Polytechnics Institute” 174,000 sqft.
Benefits of AirField in a green roofing system include:
- AirDrain creates and helps maintain a more consistent Gmax for Synthetic Turf
- ASTM testing proves AirDrain’s shockpad absorption properties reducing strain on joints and ligaments approx 15% reduction on a cement base
- AirDrain can be reused when the Synthetic Turf must be replaced
- Can help qualify for LEED™ and other green building credits
- A smaller carbon and development footprint with reduced site disturbance
- Water harvesting reclamation and reuse is easy
- AirDrain is a 100% recycled copolymer with the impact modifier “metallocene” qualifying it as a “No Break” plastic. Making it able to withstand extreme heat and cold and still maintain performance.
- Resins can be made to the following specification “Flammability UL 94, Flame Retardant, High Impact Polypropylene Copolymer Resins”
To discuss your sports construction project, call AirField Systems at (405) 359-3775.