Airdrain Synthetic Turf Roof Top Sports Field at Binghamton, NY High School
AirDrain Drainage under Synthetic Turf Roof Top Sports Field at Binghamton, NY High School 47,000 sqft. Installed 2009
Binghamton New York High School’s synthetic turf field is a sustainable site design with a small development footprint. Keeping water weight off the structure and preventing rain outs or puddling.
An AirField Systems AirDrain grid creates a GMAX that is consistent across the entire field. Some factors that might influence a change in GMAX would be an inconsistency of the infill or wear of the synthetic turf fibers.
Installing the AirField System results in a more stable surface area and a more consistent GMAX across the project.
AirDrain’s delivers a 14.7% reduction on cement and a 19% reduction on an aggregate base in GMAX. And that reduction and consistency will stay for the life of the field with AirDrain.
The result is a more stable surface area all but eliminating infill migration and inconsistent GMAX across the entire field, (which can drastically affect the safety of the players on project putting owners in an at risk liability scenario).
No other product stacks and ships more compactly, reducing the number of trucks and the amount of fuel required to transport to a job site to 1 truck on a 87,780 sqft. project. Don’t forget shipping costs that goes to the bottom line ! AirDrain cant be beat!
Unlike traditional shock pads or e-layers the AirField Systems AirDrain grid is 1″ high, extremely light weight at 3.1 lbs per 7 sqft., 233 psi (unfilled) and has a 92% air void. This unmatched vertical and lateral drainage all but eliminates standing water and moisture trapped on the rooftop.
Here is the ASTM D4716 Flow Rate per Unit Width and Hydraulic Transmissivity Testing for actual drainage capacity, at a .005% slope. The AirDrain will actually drain 2 inches per minute. No other product comes close! http://bit.ly/2cQUREL
It also has the ability to hold the water at .578 gallons per sqft. on the rooftop until it can evacuate through the exit drains. A big advantage when you have city or county limitations.
Benefits of AirField in a green roofing system include:
- AirDrain helps create and maintain a constant Gmax for Synthetic Turf
- Shock absorption reduces the strain on joints and ligaments
- AirDrain can be reused when the Synthetic Turf must be replaced
- Can help qualify for LEED and other green building credits
- A smaller carbon and development footprint with reduced site disturbance
- Water harvesting reclamation and reuse is possible
- AirDrain is a 100% recycled copolymer with the impact modifier “metallocene” qualifying it as a “No Break” plastic
- Resins can be made to the following specification “Flammability UL 94, 30% Fiberglass Reinforced, High Impact, Flame Retardant Polypropylene Copolymer Resins”
Binghamton High School Roof Top Sportsfield featuring AirDrain Drainage