Golf Drainage by AirDrain for Agronomic Natural Grass and Putting Greens, Bunkers, Tee Boxes, and Fairways
What Golf Drainage works Better than Air? 100% Vertical Drainage, our agronomic natural grass drainage system works in any design with a sand based profile.
An Alternative to the Gravel Drainage Layer in USGA Spec Putting Greens
A research project conducted at Texas A&M concluded that you can greatly reduce your irrigation frequency and needs by up to 40% using AirField Systems Agronomic AirDrain Natural Grass Golf Drainage.
The data from the research showed that the AirField Systems golf drainage profile can provide up to three more days of plant-available water than a USGA recommended gravel and sand profile. AirDrain creates its own almost perfect perched water table. No special watering techniques are needed.
Here is the ASTM D4716 Flow Rate per Unit Width and Hydraulic Transmissivity Testing for actual drainage capacity, at an 1/2% slope. The AirDrain will actually drain 171 per hour.
No other product comes close!